Gal Krubiner Participated in a Panel Conversation at SALT iConnections NY Summit
In an engaging conversation, Gal Krubiner joined iCapital’s Dan Vene, Atlas Merchant Capital LLC’s Bob Diamond, Nucleus Finance’s Sanjay Gosalia in a conversation moderated by Milken Institute’s Nicole Valentine. The group discussed how and why fintech is disrupting and revolutionizing the future of finance.
“50% of the consumers that Pagaya is lending to is actually below 660. How many financial institutions in the US can say that they are helping give access to consumers and that 50% of their ‘funding is going to lower FICO scored borrowers. The need is big, and the ability to influence and make a major change in people’s life is bigger than we think. More nimble and innovative companies will be how we fill these gaps.” – Gal Krubiner
Watch the full panel conversation here
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